Do Good #4

Pastor Dennis Clanton

Woodland Church

Sunday, January 30, 2022


(1 Timothy 6:11-19) Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have declared so well before many witnesses. And I charge you before God, who gives life to all, and before Christ Jesus, who gave a good testimony before Pontius Pilate, that you obey this command without wavering. Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. For, At just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen. Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.





“If you are successful, it becomes possible for you to leave an inheritance for others. But if you desire to create a legacy, then you need to leave something in others. When you think unselfishly and invest in others, you gain the opportunity to create a legacy that will outlive you.” -John Maxwell, Thinking for a Change


(Hebrews 4:13, NCV) Nothing in all the world can be hidden from God. Everything is clear and lies open before him, and to him we must explain the way we have lived.


(1 Timothy 6:11) Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.



a. Pursue righteousness. Righteousness is seeking God’s presence.


b. Pursue godliness. Godliness is seeking a deeper relationship with God.


c. Pursue faith. Faith is seeking to put your relationship with God in practice.


d. Pursue love. Love is a commitment to do good to others.


e. Pursue perseverance. Perseverance is the spiritual courage to endure.


f. Pursue gentleness. Gentleness is strength under control.


“The most important thought that ever occupied my mind is that of my individual responsibility to God.” -Daniel Webster





(1 Timothy 6:19) Use [your] money to do good.


“. . . riches are what you have, but wealth is what you are. You are wealthy in opportunities, wealthy in creativity, and wealthy in the chance to prioritize your life, maximize your potential, and reassess your strengths. You are wealthy because God loves you.” –T. D. Jakes, Maximize the Moment


a. Have the right perspective.


(Timothy 6:6) Yet true godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.


(1 Timothy 6:7) After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it.


(1 Timothy 6:8) So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.


“Thank you, Lord, for the small things / Like me and her on the porch swing” –Chris Tomlin and Thomas Rhett



b. Listen to God’s Word.


(1 Timothy 6:9) But people who long to be rich fall into temptation and are trapped by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.


(1 Timothy 6:10) For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.


i. Tithing is a statement of gratitude.


ii. Tithing is a statement of priority.


iii. Tithing is a statement of faith.





(1 Timothy 6:19) By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so that they may experience true life.


(Mark 8:35) If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it.


(1 Corinthians 15:58) So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.


“We must see God’s gifts of creation as windows into his glory and opportunities to praise him. But we must also find pleasure in them. We should thank God for our day on the lake, but we don’t need to say, ‘Praise you, Jesus!’ with each cast. We must thank God for our daily bread, but it’s okay to focus on the flavors of our sandwich while we’re eating it.” –Michael Whitmer, Becoming Worldly Saints: Can You Serve Jesus and Still Enjoy Your Life?



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